About Us

About Us


LUMIRON™ LED lighting products are designed and manufactured inside our facility in Miami, Florida. LUMIRON™ is your optimal source of illumination for any type of application. Being an American based manufacturer allows us to provide interactive communication with our customers and their needs when planning a project.

No custom project is too large or small for us. Because we are locally based, we are better able to provide a much more rapid delivery date. LUMIRON™ can personally support our customers, especially with custom manufactured products. In order to keep up with the ever changing LED technology, our engineering department is constantly designing and testing the most innovative and smart lighting products.

At LUMIRON™, we listen to the needs of our consumers

Our goal is to achieve both excellent performance, energy savings and yet offer the most advanced technology and the highest level of lighting quality control. LUMIRON™ is on the cutting edge of innovation in LED lighting products designed to dramatically increase energy efficiency, save money, and to generally enhance the quality of life on our planet. We offer you and your clients government and power company rebates as well as energy code compliant products. We are committed to a prosperous and sustainable future for our nation through cost-efficient and energy-saving green lighting.

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